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THE SOUNDS OF BASS - PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov

bass painting
Catalog ID: 1062547

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  • Size: 16"x40" (40cm x 100cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
  • Certification: Signed COA provided
  • Materials: Palette Knife, Oil Paint, Canvas
Today price: $139.00 Regular price: $750.00
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We would like to present the hand painted recreation oil on canvas painting of the artwork mentioned in the title. This painting comes signed by on the front and the back. Certificate of authenticity provided.

This piece was created with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. This piece was created with oil paint on artistic canvas using unique Afremov technique of a palette knife. The artwork has texture, you can feel the strokes by touching the painting. By purchasing on this site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov®. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

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about this painting:



Being a world-famous artist, Leonid Afremov always pays attention to other people involved in arts: singers, ballet dancers, musicians and painters. Creative work is no less work than any other occupation, so Afremov tries to paint their joys and struggles on canvas. One of the examples is this talented bass painting.

Modest musician

To be born a musician is a blessing but also a curse. You will never want to do anything else for a living than performing music but this way of making money is fortunate to just a few chosen ones. Others have to perform in local restaurants or in the streets if they want their work to bring at least a penny.

Before becoming a renowned painter, Afremov also used to sell his creations to just a couple of his neighbors and close friends. While the only fact of selling your work, makes you feel like a god, it is not enough to feed your family. If not the luck and hard work of himself and his son who was trying to promote the works of Afremov across the citizens of Israel, Afremov could have remained an unknown painter. All in all, the artist really understands the pains of an independent musician. This is how he shows it:

- Look at the colour palette. The majority of Afremov’s paintings are bright as the sun but not this one. A brown painting would even look depressing, if Afremov didn’t add to it some splashes of golden to make it more cheerful.

- The posture of the artist. We see a person who is not young and is not, obviously, rich. His back is bended over his instrument. It makes us think that the life of this person is not particularly happy. However, the music is there and that is already something.

- The theme of the painting. While the life of this musician is, of course, important to the painting, let’s not forget that Afremov is the master of abstract art. In the center of the canvas, we see the instrument and not the human being. Therefore, the role of music in a person’s life is more important for the artist in this case.

This oil canvas is a true masterpiece, which is very tender and gentle. It will do as a great neutral decoration in your house regardless of the room.



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