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HARMLESS BRIDGE - oil painting on canvas by Leonid Afremov

oil on canvas, oil on canvas for sale, cityscape, leonid afremov, colorful, harmless, bridge, authenticity,
Catalog ID: 1082447

The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov

Here you can purchase oil on canvas paintings directly

  • Size: 20"x24" (50cm x 60cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
  • Certification: Signed COA provided
  • Materials: Palette Knife, Oil Paint, Canvas
Our price: $139.00 Gallery retail price: $650.00
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We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

about this painting:


The urban autumn

This delightful picture skilfully painted in oil on canvas by Leonid Afremov affords us an opportunity to look at the nicest season and enjoy it. Autumn, with its precious jewellery given to the whole world as a present, cannot but impress us and make us want to take delight in its amenities in abundance. However, no autumn is as good as the urban autumn that competes with the great architecture of old cities in splendour. It is for you to decide whether autumn gains a victory over the architecture, and this enchanting cityscape is here to help you to make the decision.

The cities where autumn breathes in deeply

If you are looking for an artwork painted in oil on canvas for sale and want to find a canvas depicting autumn in a city, here are some cities where autumn looks especially beautiful:

·                    Salzburg;

·                    Berlin;

·                    Lyon;

·                    Brussels;

·                    Copenhagen, etc.

The leaf rain

It is always pleasant to look at oil paint on canvas if it is a painting by Leonid Afremov whose exquisite style always impresses us more and more. This excellent picture of him affords us an opportunity to enter the enchanting world of the urban autumn. Here we see a lone bridge leaping over the cold blue mirror of calm water slowly and imperceptibly flowing through its three arches. The autumn evening has already lit the yellow lampposts hiding here and there behind the cold grey stones of the city. The distant buildings seem to be burning with the yellow leaves furiously falling from the trees that are seen on the right, and the empty windows are reflecting the bewitching blueness of the evening air. And the whole air is full of the ardent leaves whose only desire is to be always in the air, and never touch the cold ground waiting for them. The sky is hiding its face behind the yellow splashes, and yet its coldness cannot be hidden from you, happened to find yourself here before the bridge, alone and forgotten.

This delightful cityscape will satisfy everyone with its refined style and impressive images and will become a perfect decoration for any of your rooms.

Hand Painted by Artist Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee 100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas 100% Premium Canvas
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