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WINTER'S FOG - PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov

Catalog ID: 1180323

Galería virtual oficial en línea de Leonid Afremov

Aquí puede comprar directamente óleos sobre lienzo

  • Tamaño: 40"x30" (100cm x 75cm)
  • Firma: Firmado en el anverso y reverso
  • Certificación: COA firmado proporcionado
  • Materiales: Espátula, Pintura Al Óleo, Lienzo
Today price: USD 249.00 Regular price: USD 900.00
73% off
Guardar USD 651.00
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wall art, best wall art

Nos encantaría presentar esta recreación hecha a mano al óleo sobre lienzo de la obra mencionada en el título. Esta pintura viene firmada por delante y detrás. Certificado de autenticidad previsto.

Esta pieza fue creada con la misma cantidad de alma y emoción, igual que la primera pintura original. Esta pintura fue creada al óleo sobre lienzo artístico usando la técnica única de espátula de Afremov. La obra tiene textura, puedes sentir los trazos tocando la pintura. Comprando en este sitio, estás comprando directamente de Leonid Afremov®. Nosotros garantizamos tu satisfacción y la mejor experiencia de cliente.

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about this painting:


Youth of nature

If you are looking for a piece of very cheap wall art, it does not mean that such a canvas should be of poor quality. Leonid Afremov’s paintings, even if they are not very expensive, feature the unique style of the master due to his elegant technique. This canvas is no exception, and Leonid Afremov’s palette knife has managed to create a true masterpiece that has the charm and lightness peculiar to spring

Connecting the banks

This example of cheap wall art can decorate any of your rooms, for the painting is full of calmness. No wind seems to be harassing the foliage of the slender trees surrounding the pond whose mirror-like surface is covered with reflections of the yellow and green trees and the light blue sky wherein no cloud is seen. The whole space of the park is filled with the mild light of the sun that is hidden somewhere by the painter so that its too bright colour cannot destroy the harmony that reigns in the painting. A distant bridge is thrown over a small canal, so that two banks are connected with its silver curve. Nothing prevents your eyes from enjoying this calm picture that makes you feel as if you were present inside this beautiful world. And suddenly you realise that there is some bridge that is thrown over the space between you and the marvellous painting by Leonid Afremov, some bridge that connects your mind with the calm world of this elegant artwork of his any time you happen to look at the picture.  

Why do we like spring?

There are many people in the world who like spring, so that it is likely to be the favourite season of mankind. People tend to like it because

1.            It succeeds the cold winter that exhausts human beings.

2.            The weather is not so hot, which makes many people like the season in preference to summer.

3.            The spring air is filled with different exquisite odours, which also impresses those who enjoy it.

This piece of inexpensive wall art is what you need for any of your rooms to feature the lovely lightness and softness of spring.

Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas
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