Envío completamente gratuito a CUALQUIER LUGAR DEL MUNDO. Todas las pinturas están pintadas a mano sobre LIENZO.

afremov.com is the official website of the artist Leonid Afremov ® © TM, R. on this site you can view his work, learn about the artist, and purchase his work .  The website is operated by Leonid Afremov® © TM, R and his sons Boris and Dmitry  Afremov . The main office is  in Playa del carmen, Quintna Roo Mexico.

afremov.com  deals with selling original paintings created by Leonid Afremov ® © TM, R original recreations created by Leonid Afremov's studio only , prints , giclee and art video lessons.  

The site operated by:

Dmitry Afremov - sales, sales@afremov.com 

Boris Afremov - shipping and operations, shipping@afremov.com 

Valery Kholodov - CMO, kholodov@afremov.com 

Oleksandr Shapovalov - developer, alexandr.shapovalov@gmail.com

Erika Vizcarra Davilla - SMM and Web design, erika@geckocaribbean.com


Please read the description of each listing carefuly before ordering, Please contact us for any questions


Main Mexico office, 

Leonid Afremov S de RL de CV

Avenida 135 Sur, Esquina calle 21, Lote 008, Mz 463, de la Zona 2, Colonia Ampliación Bellavista

Playa Del Carmen QR 77712


Tel:  +52 984 1660292

 ( this is a shipping office and not gallery, visits  by appointments only, we will not invite in anyone without a prior apoitment due to covid 19 restrictions)


European Marketing office

LA Marketing OU

Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa

Tornimae 7- 132 , Tallinn


(This location is a private office , visits by apointments only)



 We try to be available as much as possible to answer phone call and emails. We normally will not reply after 7pm and sundays. Sometimes we will not answer emails or calls on weekends or national and Jewish holidays.

 Please contact us for any legal questions by email to legal@afremov.com