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RED WINE IN THE NIGHT - PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov

modern art canvas, modern canvas art, wine palette

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  • Size: 40"x30" (100cm x 75cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
Today price: $339.00 Regular price: $880.00
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We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

about this painting:


A bit of theory

During the entire history of art, still life has been one of the most popular painting types. Its origins date back to the time of the Ancient Graeco-Roman art where we can find certain familiar decorative motifs. But most distinctively, still life flourished in the late 16th – early 17th century when it gained a set of features by which we recognize that we are looking at a still life painting, not any other genre. So what is a still life exactly? Speaking in the language of terms, it is a work of art that portrays a group of inanimate objects of either natural, man-made or mixed origin. It can be, for instance, a dish of fruit coupled with shells and jewelry or a vase of flowers and a couple of drinking glasses standing on a book shelf. There are no set rules, the final look of the compositions depends on the artist’s imagination.

Historically, still life has often been included into larger painting depicting figure subjects. In Flemish Baroque, artists also painted game as an illustration of wealth and hunting skills of their customers. While the genre placed most of the emphasis on aesthetics rather than the meaning of the scene, philosophical and religious allegories are not rare in still life practice. That particularly concerns early paintings created before the 18th century, in the era of strong Christian morality in Western society.

Today, modern still life painters bring the genre into the three-dimensional world by incorporating elements of photography, digital graphics, visual and audio-means as well as found objects. There is even a special kind of this genre called trompe-l’ceil painting that tricks the eye into believing that two-dimensional objects depicted on a horizontal or vertical surface actually has volume.

The charm of the genre

Although still life is considered to be on the lowest level of artistic hierarchy, it remains highly popular with art collectors and common buyers who want to decorate their home. Even in our progressive age, delicate and imaginative flower and fruit sets retain their rightful place on the walls of numerous living rooms. And while modern canvas art favors bright color combinations and unusual compositional solutions, the quiet beauty of still life keeps captivating our imagination. What the secret of this genre?

  1. Still life paintings show beautiful things like flowers, fruits, dishes, candles and antiques en masse. While looking at them, we literally get a concentrated beauty injection. If you are fascinated with lovely and rare things, hanging a still life on your wall will make a great decoration for your interior, especially if you are an avid collector of art.
  2. A well-arranged composition resonates with our sense of proportion and creates a strong impression of harmony appealing to our aesthetical perception. That goes down to the basics of geometry, but isn’t beauty just another language of math? Creating a good still life requires solid knowledge of object and light arrangement, so this genre can be very attractive to our eye.
  3. This is a very universal genre of painting equally suitable for any interior, although it is traditionally used for living room decoration. However, it will also fit into your kitchen décor and can even look nice in an office or study, especially if this is a contemporary-style still life. As you can see, the options are quite abundant, you just have to pick the one that will fit your vision specifically.
  4. Looking from the artist’s perspective, still life gives more freedom in painting than other genres like portrait or landscape. That’s because the author can arrange the objects at will following their own creative haunch rather than just recreate a ready scene that they can’t change other than in their imagination (which too requires a certain degree of skill and practice).

And lastly, modern art canvases depicting flowers are simply romantic and emotional which makes them even more desired in nearly any home. All this is true about fascinating still lifes by Leonid Afremov, and this one in particular.

The triumph of color

Every artist searches for their own manner to project their vision of the surrounding world onto the canvas. This is what makes the scene emotional and meaningful, this is how it helps us learn the artist’s soul and our own. Even though art is individual and clearly shows us the same things we see ourselves through the eyes of another person, it also can reveal new aspects of our own personality, evoke feelings that have slept inside us for a long time. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a striking scene. Even a common set of objects, if painted in a certain way, can stir our intuitive, sensual side. Leonid Afremov definitely knows how to communicate with our visual and emotional perception. Over the years, he has developed his own style that many would call impressionistic. If you look at his paintings once, you will recognize them anywhere. The artist follows a very simple philosophy: it doesn’t matter what you paint – how you paint it is much more important. Rather than simply copying what you see, you have to give the viewers the impression you get from viewing the scene. This impression is the soul of the painting; without it art wouldn’t exist. And we can clearly see how this approach works if we look at this fabulous still life.

If we try to depict roses just as they look in real life, it will be just a picture of roses, that’s all. But a little twist of imagination, a subtle play of color and light enhanced by an unusual painting manner can turn it into something worth of attention. The scarlet, crimson and orange colors used for rose petals create a sensual trio echoed by the blood-red wine palette and the warm light of the burning candles. The background is painted in rich shades of blue and violet gradually turning pitch black, which obviously contributes to the intimate mood of the still life.  To make the scene more vivid and enigmatic, the artist applies paint in large chunky strokes, every single of them easily discernible on the canvas. Layered over each other, they form a textured surface adding perspective to the painting.

Inspiring piece of art for your home

This modern still life will be a great choice for your living room regardless of your design preferences. While the overall beauty of the composition will definitely complement classic interiors, more contemporary-designed rooms will benefit from its bright colors and peculiar painting manner. Make sure the palette and style of the painting coincides with the general décor scheme of the room. It’s best to use this still life with similar-styled works of art, although it can also be coupled with classic canvases. You can have it framed or hang frameless as suggested by modern canvas wall art tendencies. Leonid Afremov has many works like this in his collection; grouping them together across the room or even the entire house is a great solution for contemporary art collectors. Besides, it will add more consistency to your wall décor. Regardless of the details, this beautiful modern canvas artwork will fill your home with new colors and surround you with a special romantic atmosphere. Don’t hesitate to uncork this exquisite bottle of red wine at your place!



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