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LONDON - TOWER BRIDGE - oil painting on canvas by Leonid Afremov

tower bridge painting

The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov

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  • Size: 30"x20" (75cm x 50cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
Today price: $139.00 Regular price: $650.00
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We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

about this painting:

London Bridge

Vibrant London

Leonid Afremov is pleased to present to you his next canvas from his British collection. The painting was made in the manner typical for the artist –here he uses the brightest colors – they look especially bright against a black background – a dark night fell on the British capital. Tower Bridge – one of the main attractions of London – is depicted in the painting, in such a way most of us are used to seeing it. This picture is familiar even to those who have never been to the British capital and knows about the sights of London by hearsay only. All the canvas is strewn with bright colors, the source of which is electric lighting – the night lights merge together to form various shades – yellow, orange, red, blue white and many others.

If you look more closely, then in the painting you can see the boat sailing under the bridge. It is easy to guess that among the passengers are many foreigners who have long dreamed of visiting the British capital and feeling the real English atmosphere.

Beauty over Thames

Tower Bridge is a permanent symbol of London. Towering over the Thames it always attracts tourists. Here are some interesting facts about it:

  1. Construction of the Tower Bridge lasted 8 years – from 1886 to 1894. It involved 432 builders. The bridge cost 1 184 thousand pounds.
  2. For the construction of the towers and pedestrian galleries of the bridge it took 11 thousand tons of steel.
  3. Since Tower Bridge is a symbol of the capital, it is often called simply the London Bridge. However, a bridge with this name also exists and is located upstream of the Thames. In 1968, due to such confusion, there was one amusing incident: an American businessman, Robert McCulloch, bought the London Bridge, which was destined for demolition, having mistook it for the real Tower Bridge.

It seems to us that you, too, cannot resist the temptation to go on such a journey. And if you have already been to London, then you should definitely go there again; and maybe several times. And every time you will discover something new, learning deeper and deeper the British soul.



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