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LITTLE PARK BY THE RIVER - oil painting on canvas by Leonid Afremov

rivers paintings, rivers oil paintings, rivers painting, rivers oil paintings
Catalog ID: 01181794

The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov

Here you can purchase oil on canvas paintings directly

  • Size: 40"x30" (100cm x 75cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
Today price: $339.00 Regular price: $880.00
62% off
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We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

about this painting:

Romance in the City

Art for Your Collection

This wonderful canvas as well as other outstanding paintings for sale created by the talented Leonid Afremov can definitely make any interior look bright and unique. If you’re looking for art for your collection this online gallery is an excellent place. Here you can find:

  • Marvelous landscapes;
  • Breathtaking seascapes;
  • Fantastic cityscapes;
  • Stunning still-life pieces;
  • Gorgeous portraits of people and animals;
  • And even online video lessons.

Adorn your home with beautiful images on a canvas and bring some colors into your life

Romance in Our Life 

Romance seems to be disappearing from our life. Yesterday it seemed to only gracefully gait from us, but today it looks like it’s galloping away at full speed. Why is it happening? What is the reason? Maybe it’s because of the time of high speeds, super smart gadgets and constant survival? All you can think of is making money, going to work, coming back home, and passing out in your bed as soon as you reach it. And that’s it! A romantic dinner with candles seems to be the last thing that crosses your mind in the whirlpool of your daily routine. Our life has become boring. We’ve lost our sense of adventures with it! We’ve stopped climbing into the windows of women we love. We don’t do silly but good things in the name of love anymore. So basically, we’ve stopped surprising people we love with the exception of occasional flowers for their birthday or Mother’s day (even though some people don’t even do that). We’ve even managed to turn giving flowers into a common present. We have to somehow bring romance back to our life! We need to surprise our loved ones with presents. They don’t have to be big and expensive! Let them be small, but they should be from your heart as the most important thing in any present is thoughtfulness. Even an unusual breakfast of eggs with two eyes and a smiley face made with ketchup can bring you a flood of positive emotions. Why don’t we give these emotions more often than three-four times a year? It’s not even that hard! Maybe people used to be more romantic in the past? They wrote love poems or real love letters with a pen on a piece of paper, they sang serenades at night, had dates in unusual places. Why don’t we do it know? It’s so easy to take a pen, write at least a couple of sentences to the person you love and throw it in their mail box. Can you imagine what they will feel when in a couple of days (or weeks, depends on how often they check their mail) they see a real letter among all the invoices and bills? To say they’ll be shocked is to say nothing! But it will definitely be a good thing that will make their day for sure! You see? It’s not hard work and doesn’t cost any money!

Another nice surprise that will cost you nothing but can mean a lot to you and your spouse is going for a walk- especially if you decide to take a stroll at night. You don’t even have to plan anything! It’s even better if you don’t because if we start preparing for something, that something can sometimes not meet our expectations and we will be upset and disappointed. The city looks absolutely gorgeous at night. If you live near the park, it’s an excellent place to go! It’s usually empty at night so you can have the whole place just only for the two of you. You can talk about your day, the problems that worry you, your family, dreams, plans for the future. You can reminisce about all good things you’ve had together, or things you could have done but didn’t. You can enjoy the beautiful view reflected in the surface of a local pond, count how many colors you can see there and wonder if they are city lights or stars. You can make a bouquet from colorful leaves and give it to your girlfriend/wife/ partner, and you can be absolutely sure they will definitely keep it as long as they can. You can do a lot of silly little things as long as you do them together and they bring joy to both of you! It is so important in our life. After such a late night stroll you’ll see the eyes of your loved one will shine even brighter than all of the stars put together. And it will be all because of you!

Purchase with wonderful painting toady and bring back some romance into your interior!  

Hand Painted by Artist Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee 100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas 100% Premium Canvas
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