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GOLDEN AUTUMN - PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov

golden autumn painting
Catalog ID: 1130375

The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov

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  • Size: 30"x24" (75cm x 60cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
  • Certification: Signed COA provided
  • Materials: Palette Knife, Oil Paint, Canvas
Today price: $139.00 Regular price: $650.00
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We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

about this painting:

Golden Autumn

The yellow trees

The magnificent autumn colors excite the consciousness of representatives of all creative professions, to which the artist Leonid Afremov undoubtedly belongs to – autumn is one of his favorite subjects, to which he dedicated a great number of his canvases. Golden Autumn is just one of them.

In this canvas we find the image of the peak of autumn – in many countries it comes somewhere in the middle of October, when all the trees dress in their golden outfits. Autumn we all associate with bright colors, however, this period does not last very long – about two or three weeks, then the leaves begin to fall off the trees and they no longer look so beautiful and picturesque. Of course, with different trees this period occurs at different times, but for most of them it coincides. If we take this picture, for example, then we can see that some trees in the background are still green, although they are already beginning to turn yellow. As for the color scheme of the picture, then, naturally, yellow color prevails on it, also we find different shades of red – pink and burgundy – and green – salad and a few others.

Fall trips

Watching the autumn landscape by Leonid Afremov you might unwittingly think about the places where you can go in the fall, where the autumn is especially beautiful. We present to your attention several options:

  1. Perthshire County, which is often referred to as the “Big Tree County”, is one of the most fantastic places in Europe, at least, in the UK, in terms of autumn colors.
  2. The Lake District, or Cumbria, is a mountain region in North West England. It looks as if taken from the cinema screen – so bright makes the autumn the local landscapes.
  3. The medieval city of Bruges becomes, perhaps, the most picturesque city in Europe with the onset of autumn, when historic buildings are entwined with crimson and golden ivy leaves.

Surely, looking at Golden Autumn, a marvelous painting, you will want to stroll through the autumn park and breathe in the fresh autumn air. Do not postpone this walk and go to the park in any weather!


Hand Painted by Artist Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee 100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas 100% Premium Canvas
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