GOLD WAVES - PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov
The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov
Here you can purchase oil on canvas paintings directly
- Size: 30"x24" (75cm x 60cm)
- Signature: Signed on the front and back
- Certification: Signed COA provided
- Materials: Palette Knife, Oil Paint, Canvas
We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.
The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.
about this painting:
Seascapes as a part of your life
Leonid Afremov’s Virtual Art Gallery
In Leonid Afremov’s virtual art gallery you will be able to find paintings you like even if you’re very picky and have the most sophisticated taste in art. Among hundreds of landscapes, cityscapes, waterscapes such as beautiful paintings of magnificent storms and giant waves, portrait of musicians, canvases depicting animals (horses, roosters, cats, dogs, bulls etc.) you will definitely want to buy at least one painting. However, it’s more likely that you’ll want to become a proud owner of a home art gallery; after all, art is a very good investment of money. With every purchase you make you will get a certificate of authenticity signed by Leonid Afremov himself. Art can also be a great gift for people you love and care about or colleagues. They will definitely appreciate your delicate taste if you give them Leonid Afremov’s canvas for their birthday, wedding, anniversary, retirement or for any other appropriate occasion. If you buy a painting as a gift, make sure to write us their name and address. Free delivery to any city of the world will surely be a very pleasant bonus. Leonid Afremov’s gallery helps people all over the world feel closer to the ones they love.
Seascapes in Leonid Afremov’s gallery
Seascapes take a special place in Leonid Afremov’s oeuvre. The sea looks wonderful in any weather and at any time of day:
- at sunrise when its surface looks like a giant mirror and reflects the rays of the sun and an endless blue sky;
- during a storm when enormous emerald waves with snow white foamy tops are trying to reach the sky;
- at a quiet moonlit night when you can tell that you’re at the sea only by a thin moon glade on the water.
Only art can deliver all the beauty and variety of the sea. Seascapes have always been one of artists’ favorite genres. Leonid Afremov is one of these artists who can deliver all little nuances of a beautiful sea on a canvas using oil paints and a palette knife. He mostly likes painting the sea in the evening when he can use bright colors to show all its beauty. They are his favorite kinds of seascapes. He also likes painting the sea in the morning when it’s calm, when its water is so clear that it seems to be depthless, when the sun reflects in its surface like in an endless sheet of glass. Such paintings are filled with light and air. When you look at them you want to find yourself on seashore, breathing fresh salty air, enjoying the sound of the wash, and feeling warm waves playing with your feet. If you buy such a canvas for your home it will always make you dream of warm summer days and improve your mood no matter how difficult your day was.
Seascapes in the interior
Seascapes can definitely become a true adornment for your home. They can accentuate the sensuality and charm of the interior. Different seascapes can bring different a mood to it: a moonlit night will put you in a dreaming mood; the sunrise on the seashore will give you energy for the day; the sunset on the painting will help you relax after a long day at work. Seascapes depicting a storm or the beat of waves on the beach will be a good choice for your study or office. However, it’s better to avoid hanging such paintings in the bedroom as they won’t help you relax and get ready for bed. Seascapes give us a chance to enjoy wonderful view during our daily life and boost our productivity during a working day.
If you’re still not sure where to hang this painting, check out our View in room tab. Here you can see the canvas in most common interiors and choose the color of walls in every room. It might help you to get a good idea of where it’s better to place it. You can choose the painting to be rolled in a tube for shipping or for only extra $29 you can buy it gallery wrapped and ready to hang as soon as you receive it. If you want to start your own art collection, browse the galley for more paintings with the same theme. Just type waves or any other water-related word in the search bar in the right corner of the website and enjoy dozens of breathtaking waterscapes masterfully created by Leonid Afremov. You can also choose Seascape and Water presented on the right side on the website. Make sure not to overload the space with too many paintings and interior design items. It’s better to keep it simple and spread the canvases all over your house or apartment. By doing so, you can choose canvases of different genres and styles. For your convenience we gladly accept credit and debit cards as well as PayPal. Don’t forget about our free delivery to any part of the world!