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This is a special Polystyrene frame. Polystyrene frames are manufactured moldings that look just like wood and are equally attractive. It looks exactly like wood and also feels like it. These frames are lightweight and exceptionally durable quality; polystyrene frames are moisture resistant, strong and durable.  Polystyrene is usually much lighter when you hold in your hand; so you can easily carry it. Here are the benefits of this material over regular wood. It's lighter and more durable than regular wood.  It withholds transport better and does not break so easily  It does not warp with humidity or cold.  It's not afected by termites or other insects It's not afected by water or mosture It does not acumulate mold. The material is 100% recyclable By choosing frames from Polystyrene you help to save trees Please select your size from the drop menu above.

Hand Painted by Artist Hand Painted by Artist
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100% Premium Canvas 100% Premium Canvas