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Mystical Motion - Abstract art Oil Painting On Canvas

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Catalog ID: MDYF-1390

Galería virtual oficial en línea de Leonid Afremov

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  • Tamaño: 16"x16" (40cm x 40cm)
  • Firma: Firmado en el anverso y reverso
  • Certificación: COA firmado proporcionado
  • Materiales: Espátula, Pintura Al Óleo, Lienzo
Precio de hoy: USD 119.00 Prezzo regolare: USD 550.00
79% off 08 : 58 : 54
Guardar USD 431.00
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Immerse yourself in the world of art with this mesmerizing artwork - 100% hand-crafted abstract art oil painting on premium canvas, carefully brought to life by the Afremov Gallery artist. Experience the vibrant colors and dynamic textures that ignite the senses and evoke emotion with every brushstroke. Free Shipping Worldwide

Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas