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FISHING WITH FRIENDS — Original Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov

Catalog ID: 1070994

Galería virtual oficial en línea de Leonid Afremov

Aquí puede comprar directamente óleos sobre lienzo

  • Tamaño: 20"x20" (50cm x 50cm)
  • Firma: Firmado en el anverso y reverso
  • Certificación: COA firmado proporcionado
  • Materiales: Espátula, Pintura Al Óleo, Lienzo
Precio de hoy: USD 89.00 Prezzo regolare: USD 1,700.00
95% off 03 : 34 : 48
Guardar USD 1,611.00
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This is a limited-edition large-size unique original oil painting on canvas, Hand-painted and hand-signed by Leonid Afremov, numbered on the back, and most importantly this number is 1 of 10. Comes with COA

Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas