ENDLESS TUNE - PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov
The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov
Here you can purchase oil on canvas paintings directly
- Size: 30"x36" (75cm x 90cm)
- Signature: Signed on the front and back
- Certification: Signed COA provided
- Materials: Palette Knife, Oil Paint, Canvas
We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.
The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.
about this painting:
Magic sounds
Leonid Afremov is glad to present you his Endless Tune painting of his jazz collection. Amazing with its colors and truly images of musicians, it attracts the most sophisticated music lovers and ordinary admirers of art. The painting depicts a whole jazz band consisting of three musicians – violinist, saxophonist and double bass player. The artist once again managed to show the amazing entourage and atmosphere of a real street orchestra, and also to emphasize the specifics of the era when jazz had its perhaps high old time - it found expression in the clothes of musicians - they are dressed in a rather quiet style but at the same time rather neatly and tidily. Perhaps the most accurate and at the same time the classic can be called the costume of an elderly gentleman in the foreground of the painting – he is dressed in a classic suit of the beginning of the 20th century consisting of a coat, trousers, although we do not see them in the painting, a shirt, a tie and of course a hat, it was an integral accessory of the classical toilette of that era. On the left side of the jacket of this gentleman you can see a flower. Perhaps, this is a rose – such a decoration was also quite common in those days, it emphasized the chivalry and refined manners of its owner. The other two musicians depicted in the background are not dressed up so neatly, it can be even said that their apparel is even poor in some way. The background of Endless Tune is depicted as a set of strokes of colorful paints, the feature so characteristic of the artist. We hope that you will be able to feel this amazing atmosphere and coloring of the street orchestra of that era.
It’s all about music
The music history of USA can be roughly divided into some periods which are characterized by the appearance of new trends and features. Let’s name some epochs in the history of music emphasizing jazz as the mainstream and give their short description:
- 1920s -1940s. The second quarter of the 20th century is the heydays of jazz culture. The USA has become the cradle of this musical
- 50s: jazz boom. With the end of World War II, the music world of the United States literally explodes with a variety of jazz genres, first of all rock and roll.
- 60s - 70s: time of rock, rhythm and blues and funk, which became the brainchild of rhythm and blues and disco. The 60s passed under the banner of just R & B and soul.