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Ambassador Building - oil painting on canvas by Leonid Afremov

the ambassador painting

The official online virtual gallery of Leonid Afremov

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  • Size: 20"x30" (50cm x 75cm)
  • Signature: Signed on the front and back
Today price: $139.00 Regular price: $1,000.00
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We would like to present hand painted oil on canvas painting (recreation) of Afremov's artwork mentioned in the title. This art piece made by Leonid Afremov Studio with the same amount of soul and emotion just like the first original painting. The piece is created with oil paint on artistic canvas using Afremov's unique technique of a palette knife. The artwork has a lot of texture, you can feel the strokes by touching this painting. By purchasing on our site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov Studio. We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

The artwork is signed on the back and on the front. The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by Leonid Afremov Studio. If you are buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

about this painting:

Ambassador Building

House in colors

In the Ambassador Building, his next colorful painting, Leonid Afremov captured the embassy building in some big city. For sure it's a capital, maybe Washington and maybe some other, because embassy buildings are located only in the capitals. While the building looks very ordinary – it is a multi-storey rectangular house of which there very many in large cities. For the background the artist as always used the bright palette – the whole sky is covered with colorful strokes – blue, purple and orange. At the building we see a few trees – this indicates that the city's authorities care about the landscape and the health of the townspeople and try to make the air as clean as possible with the help of trees. Their bright green foliage looks very harmonious on a multi-colored background. The asphalt in front of the building the artist made brilliant, as if only it has rained recently.

In the public service

As the painting shows the embassy building we decided to collect for you some interesting facts about the embassies in different countries of the world:

  1. During the siege of the Iranian Embassy in London in 1980, the police agreed to broadcast a terrorists’ statement on the BBC in exchange for the release of two hostages. The invaders gave the choice to them, and they decided to release the pregnant woman and the man who irritated everyone with very loud snoring at night.
  2. In 1981, a member of the Irish Republican Army Bobby Sands died in prison as a result of the hunger strike. The news about this caused protests in many countries around the world. The Iranian authorities even renamed the Churchill boulevard, in which the British embassy was located, into Bobby Sands Street. To avoid the appearance of his name on the postal correspondence, the embassy was forced to change the address, transferring the front door to another street.
  3. There many interesting facts associated with the American embassy building in Moscow. Here is one of them: in 1975 a scandal erupted – the employees of the US embassy drew attention to incomprehensible failures in the operation of electronic devices. It turned to be that the tiny “bugs”, created in secret laboratories under the guidance of an outstanding specialist Vyacheslav Astashin were implanted in wall panels. The idea to make concrete "audible" came to Vyacheslav back in the early 1970s, when he, a graduate of one of the leading technical universities in the country, was invited to work in the KGB.

If you are interested in the urban landscape and especially in paintings with images of famous buildings and structures, then this work is just for you. It will become a bright addition to your collection, and in case you do not have one, it will fit  very well into any interior.


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