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Seagulls - 100% hand-painted oil painting on canvas by Afremov Gallery

Catalog ID: MDZYN-020

La galleria virtuale ufficiale online di Leonid Afremov

Qui potete acquistare direttamente dipinti ad olio su tela

  • Misurare: 16"x20" (40cm x 50cm)
  • Firma: Firmato davanti e dietro
  • Certificazione: Certificato di autenticità firmato fornito
  • Materiali: Spatola, pittura ad olio, tela
Prezzo odierno: 119,00 USD Prezzo predefinito: 650,00 USD
82% off 00 : 19 : 00
Salva 531,00 USD
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Immerse yourself in the world of art with this impression artwork - 100% hand-painted oil painting on premium canvas, carefully brought to life by the Afremov Gallery artist. Experience the vibrant colors and dynamic textures that ignite the senses and evoke emotion with every brushstroke. Free Shipping Worldwide

Hand Painted by Artist
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100% Premium Canvas