Spedizione completamente gratuita in QUALSIASI LUOGO DEL MONDO, tutti i dipinti sono dipinti a mano su TELA

GOLDEN MEADOW BREEZE — Original Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov


La galleria virtuale ufficiale online di Leonid Afremov

Qui potete acquistare direttamente dipinti ad olio su tela

  • Misurare: 20"x16" (50cm x 40cm)
  • Firma: Firmato davanti e dietro
  • Certificazione: Certificato di autenticità firmato fornito
  • Materiali: Spatola, pittura ad olio, tela
Prezzo odierno: 89,00 USD Prezzo predefinito: 1.599,00 USD
95% off 01 : 09 : 05
Salva 1.510,00 USD
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Spedizione gratuita in tutto il mondo
90 giorni di reso gratuito

100% UNIQUE Hand-painted ONE-OF-A-KIND ORIGINAL painting by Leonid Afremov Gallery (not a print or recreation artwork)


The most talented artist in our gallery created this painting


The painting is signed on the front and the back, this artwork comes with a certificate of authenticity, personally signed by the artist


This painting looks tridimensional and has a lot of heavy textures

Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas