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Recreation Oil Painting.
Catalog ID: 1182749

Die offizielle virtuelle Online-Galerie von Leonid Afremov

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  • Größe: 30"x40" (75cm x 100cm)
  • Unterschrift: Auf der Vorder- und Rückseite signiert
  • Zertifizierung: Unterzeichnetes Echtheitszertifikat bereitgestellt
  • Materialien: Spachtel, Ölfarbe, Leinwand
Heutiger Preis: 339,00 $ Regulärer Preis: 880,00 $
62% off 13 : 58 : 47
Speichern 541,00 $
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During the past 20 years Leonid Afremov has been giving art lessons spreading his knowledge  and experience  for younger generations of artists . Leonid Afremov believes that his talent should be shared and not withheld from people who wish to learn how to paint in his technique  . He had published online video lessons, did master classes and seminars . He gave a chance to anyone with desire and passion to learn.

After many years of teaching, he was able to assemble a team of very talented professional artists who are able to replicate his work identical to the original. The artists with the most  experience and  potential got a permanent job in his studio. Leonid Afremov allows his studio artists to recreate his original work by hand with oil on canvas in order to  spread his vision, emotions and legacy . Such work now can be ordered on the site afremov.com

This is  a hand painted recreation with oil on canvas of the artwork mentioned in the title. The painting is  made by the professional artists of Leonid Afremov Studio.

The  studio recreation is  made with the same materials as  the original painting:  Oil paint , linen canvas and a palette knife. 

This piece is made with the highest attention to details, colors and the mood of the original. The artists creating this work listen to the same music Leonid Afremov was listening to during the process of painting in order to gasp the emotions he was feeling from the music. Each painting is carefully inspected to make sure that is as close as possible to original

The artwork  has heavy texture, you can feel the strokes by touching the painting. By purchasing on this site, you are buying directly from Leonid Afremov ® © TM R  . We guarantee your satisfaction and the best customer experience.

This recreation is made on demand by the best studio  professional artists after the order  placed. We do not hold studio recreations in stock.  You can ask to see the recreation for approval before shipping.

The certificate of authenticity will include the name of the owner who purchased the piece of artwork. The certificate is signed by the manager of the company. If you buying this painting as a gift, please provide us the name of the gift recipient for the certificate. We can also ship to the address of the recipient of your gift.

The image of the painting you see is the master original. The  studio recreation is made based of this image.

The Leonid Afremov brand logo will be hand drawn on the front side of the painting and the studio artist will sign his name on the back

To view trademark information please click here https://afremov.com/Trademark.html


Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas