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Melody of the Sea: From Calm to Storm - set of 3 original oil paintings on canvas

Melody of the Sea: From Calm to Storm - set of 3 original oil paintings on canvas

Die offizielle virtuelle Online-Galerie von Leonid Afremov

Hier können Sie Öl auf Leinwand Gemälde direkt kaufen

  • Größe: 8"x12" (20cm x 30cm) each
  • Unterschrift: Auf der Vorder- und Rückseite signiert
  • Zertifizierung: Unterzeichnetes Echtheitszertifikat bereitgestellt
  • Materialien: Spachtel, Ölfarbe, Leinwand
Heutiger Preis: 159,00 $ Regulärer Preis: 2.599,00 $
94% off 20 : 03 : 36
Speichern 2.440,00 $
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Weltweit versandkostenfrei
90 Tage kostenlose Rückgabe

These are real 100% UNIQUE Hand-painted ONE-OF-A-KIND ORIGINAL paintings by Leonid Afremov Gallery (not prints, or recreation artworks)


These paintings are signed on the front and the back, these artworks come with a certificate of authenticity, personally signed by the artist

These paintings look tridimensional and have a lot of heavy textures

These exquisite oil paintings, beautifully presented in elegant frames, enhance the artworks' allure and amplify their visual appeal

Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas