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MARIACHI CATS PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov

Catalog ID: 3182241

Die offizielle virtuelle Online-Galerie von Leonid Afremov

Hier können Sie Öl auf Leinwand Gemälde direkt kaufen

  • Größe: 40"x30" (100cm x 75cm)
  • Unterschrift: Auf der Vorder- und Rückseite signiert
  • Zertifizierung: Unterzeichnetes Echtheitszertifikat bereitgestellt
  • Materialien: Spachtel, Ölfarbe, Leinwand
Today price: 139,00 $ Regular price: 1.000,00 $
87% off
Speichern 861,00 $
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90 Tage kostenlose Rückgabe
art deco style, art deco, leonid afremov, mariachi, authenticity, mexico, cat, cats, recreation

Wir möchten handgemaltes Öl auf Leinwand (Nachahmung) von Afremovs Kunstwerken präsentieren, die im Titel erwähnt sind. Dieses Kunstwerk von Leonid Afremov Studio mit der gleichen Menge an Seele und Emotion wie das erste Originalgemälde. Das Stück ist mit Ölfarbe auf künstlerischer Leinwand nach Afremovs einzigartiger Technik eines Spachtels geschaffen. Die Grafik hat viel Textur, Sie können die Striche fühlen, indem Sie dieses Gemälde berühren. Mit dem Kauf auf unserer Website kaufen Sie direkt bei Leonid Afremov Studio. Wir garantieren Ihre Zufriedenheit und das beste Kundenerlebnis.

Das Kunstwerk ist auf der Rückseite und auf der Vorderseite signiert. Das Echtheitszertifikat enthält den Namen des Eigentümers, der das Kunstwerk gekauft hat. Das Zertifikat wird von Leonid Afremov Studio unterzeichnet. Wenn Sie dieses Gemälde als Geschenk kaufen, geben Sie uns bitte den Namen des Geschenkempfängers für das Zertifikat an. Wir können auch an die Adresse des Empfängers Ihres Geschenks senden.

Über Leonid Afremov Studio -

about this painting:


Mariachi cats entertain lovers of art

If you do not know Mariachi, it is Mexican folk music. This regional folk style was played with string instruments, and this is what we see on the canvas Mariachi Cats. The style became popular in the first part of the 20th century – just in the period of art deco era.

It is worth saying that he has created the whole series of paintings with cats performing music, singing and dancing. You will never find such creative cats anywhere else. These cats deserve to be painted, while the pieces of art are worth hanging on the wall in your apartment.

The origin of Mariachi

The cats are dressed as peasant farmers – those who originally played this music. They came from the country because of migrations in the beginning of the 20th century. The style was borrowed from rural culture that was urbanized and called Mariachi. The music has diverse forms and modifications. The influence of waltz and polka also generated new versions of style. It is important for Mariachi musicians to wear special outfits that are called charro. Charro is a Mexican cowboy or a traditional horseman, a legendary figure in Mexico.

The colors are dotted about the canvas. The cat is dancing and swirling in a dance, and the quickness of a moving skirt is seen thanks to long strokes created by the painter. One of the mariachi dance styles is Zapateado, which is very popular and the cat is dancing it. This Mexican dance style is characterized by lively rhymes accompanied by clicking of shoes of the dancer. It also became known in the period when art deco flourished.

Characteristics of Spanish/Latin dance Zapateado:

  • Energizing footwork

  • Elaborate tapping

  • Clicking of shoes

These adorable cats wear Mariachi hats, which suit them perfectly! Original oil painting, created by Leonid Afremov has a playful combination: dotty texture with linear strokes that helps to achieve dynamism.

Mariachi cats can cheer you up

Humor and art can support us in the hardest moments of life. So when you feel depressed, look at the painting on the wall of your house and cheer up! Mariachi cats are performing exhilarating music. One can’t resist the temptation to dance to this melody that arises in mind. It is impossible not to smile, so cats continue serving the same goal: entertain people.

We often watch videos and pictures of cats because they surely put us in a good mood. Afremov offers another version for us. We can enjoy his paintings of cats.

Hand Painted by Artist
100% of Satisfaction Guarantee
UV Protected Guarantee
100% Premium Canvas
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